Thursday, July 28, 2005


Time doesn't heal pain, it just makes it gut-wrenching worse. Everyday I want to pick up the phone and give you a call, but I know you wouldn't want me to. I'm trying extra hard not to disrespect you. I really thought that this time you would stick. I was hoping for the best, though I knew what would happen next would be for the worst. Not to know you -your a ghost that haunts me non-stop. I guess my phone is bad luck for me. My last boyfriend, I switched from some good service to sprint (suck service) and as the phone sucked so did my relationship. While I waited ever so patiently for your phone call to hear what the verdict was to be, I switched to Cingular. I thought this way we could actually communicate better since we where on the same service. Then again, we had the same service...but we were not on the same page. Cingular supposedly good, gone bad. Cingular was right, I was to be singlar.


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